Course curriculum

  • 1

    10 - 13 June 2021

    • Teaching Methodology | Create, Hold, & Manage Space - PLEASE READ BEFORE JUNE 10TH

    • Teaching Methodology | Create, Hold, & Manage Space - Presentation

    • Teaching Methodology | Water Puja - Slides

    • Teaching Methodology | Create, Hold, & Manage Space - Handout

    • Orientation | Overview & Dates

    • YPLE | Antiracism & Intersectional Equity (ARIE) - Slides

    • YPLE | Antiracism & Intersectional Equity (ARIE) - Handout

    • YPLE | Yoga Philosophy - Slides

    • YPLE | Yoga Philosophy Timeline - Handout

    • YPLE | Sankhya Philosophy - Slides

    • YPLE | Yoga Philosophy - Handout

    • Teaching Methodology | Qualities of a Teacher - Slides

    • Teaching Methodology | Qualities of a Teacher - Handout

    • Teaching Methodology | Qualities of a Teacher - Sankalpa Handout

    • TTM | Meditation - Handout

    • Anatomy & Physiology - Updated Slides

    • Anatomy & Physiology - Handout

    • Teaching Methodology | Essentials of Accessible Yoga - Slides

    • Teaching Methodology | Darshan Teaching Methodology: Power Principle - Handout

    • Teaching Methodology | Darshan Teaching Methodology: Dynamic Principle - Handout

    • TTM | 300 Key Mantra - Handout

    • TTM | Mantra Handout - Sheela Bringi

    • TTM | Mantra - Sanskrit Alphabet/Syllabary Audio Files for Practice

    • Yin + Hatha Yoga | Online Classes Link

    • All Meeting Recordings for June 2021

    • Sponsor Group Session - Recording Link

  • 2

    8 - 11 July 2021

    • Prep for Radical Darshan meditation day retreat

    • YPLE | Reading + Viewing June - July

    • TTP | Mantra - Slides

    • TTP | Sacred Languages Sanskrit - Handout

    • YPLE | Ayurveda - Slides

    • YPLE | Yoga Lifestyle - Ayurveda - Handout

    • TTP | Foundations of Mindfulness - Slides

    • Teaching Methodology | Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting & correcting - Handout

    • YPLE | ARIE: What is racism? - Slides

    • TTP | Lunar + Yin Yoga - Slides

    • TTP | Yin + Hatha Yoga Class Links

    • Radical Darshan | Understandings - Commitments.pdf

    • All Meeting Recording Links July 2021

    • Teaching Methodology | Culture of Consent

    • Poem & Reflection | Where I'm From

    • Sponsor Group Session - Recording Link

  • 3

    5 - 8 August 2021

    • Teaching Methodology | Darshan Teaching Methodology: Interconnectedness Principle - Handout

    • Teaching Methodology | Darshan Teaching Methodology: Unknown Possibilities - Handout

    • TTP | Mantra - Slides

    • YPLE | Colonialism - Slides

    • A&P | Slides - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • A&P | Handout - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • YPLE | ARIE: List of books - Handout

    • JEDI | Module 6 Handout

    • Teaching Methodology | Student Learning Processes

    • All Meeting Recording Links August 2021

    • YPLE | ARIE: Defining Racism

    • A&P | QUIZ - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • Sponsor Group Session - Recording Link

  • 4

    9 - 12 September 2021

    • Teaching Methodology | Teaching to Trans-/Non-binary/Intersex Populations: Slides - Josetta Malcolm Guest Facilitator

    • Teaching Methodology | Teaching to TNBI Populations: Handout - Josetta Malcolm Guest Facilitator

    • Teaching Methodology | Teaching to TNBI Populations: Additional Resources - Josetta Malcolm Guest Facilitator

    • TTP | Yoga Nidra Post Practice Self Care - Handout

    • TTM | Meditation - Handout

    • TTP | Pranayama - Slides

    • TTP | Pranayama - Handout

    • A&P | Slides - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • A&P | Handout: History of Birth - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • TTP | Krama Sequencing - Slides

    • TTP| Krama Sequencing - Handout

    • YPLE | Yoga Ethics.pdf

    • All Meeting Recording Links - September 2021

    • A&P | Quiz - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • YPLE | Written Assignment : Modern Yoga through the Postcolonial Prism

    • Sponsor Group Session - Recording Link

    • TTP | Mindfulness of Body - Talk

    • TTP | Mindful Walking - guided practice

    • TTP | Mindfulness of Feeling Tone - Talk

    • TTP | Meditation on Feeling Tone & Hearing

  • 5

    7 - 10 October 2021

    • YPLE | ARIE: Internalized Racism - Essay

    • YPLE | ARIE: Racial Trauma & Embodiment - Essay

    • YPLE | ARIE: The Internal Effects of Racism - Slides

    • TTP | The Science of Kriya - Slides

    • TTM | Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness - Slides

    • A&P | Slides - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • TTP | Somatics & Trauma - Slides

    • YPLE | Lunar + Yin Yoga - Chandra Namaskar + Subtle Body

    • YPLE | Chandra Namaskar Handout

    • All Meeting Recording Links - October 2021

    • YPLE | Sankhya Philosophy Tattva Assignment

    • Sponsor Group Session - Recording Link

  • 6

    12 - 14 November 2021

    • A&P | Slides: Anti-diet - Guest Facilitator Aisha Nash

    • YPLE | ARIE: Intersectionality - Handout

    • YPLE | Grief Labour Worksheet

    • YPLE | Grief Labour: Individual Assignment

    • YPLE Chakra Philosophy

    • Practicum | Assisting / Observing

    • Practicum | DTM Teaching

    • All Meeting Recording Links - November 2021

    • Sponsor Group Session - Recording Link

  • 7

    10 - 12 December 2021

    • A&P | Slides - Avni Trivedi Guest Facilitator

    • YPLE | Yoga Lifestyle + Ayurveda Dinacharya Assignment

    • YPLE | Yoga Lifestyle - Ayurveda Tridosha Theory

    • YPLE | ARIE: Critical Race Theory Worksheet

    • TTP | Yoga Nidra

    • DTM | Business of Yoga - Slides

    • DTM | Business of Yoga - Planning Worksheet

    • TTP | Mantra/Chanting Handout - Sheela Bringi

    • All Meeting Recording Links - December 2021

    • TTP | Meditation Curriculum Assessment

    • Sponsor Group Session - Recording Link

    • TTP | Mindfulness - Guided Practice Video

  • 8

    7 - 9 January 2022

    • TTP | Bhakti Yoga Slides - Guest Facilitator Anjali Rao

    • TTP | Pancha Prana Vayus - Slides

    • YLPE | Cultural Extraction - Exploitation - Slides

    • YPLE | ARIE: CRT - Handout

    • All Meeting Recording Links - January 2022

    • TTP | Krama Sequencing: Assignment

    • DTM | Business of Yoga: Assignment

    • DTM | Teaching Practicum: Assignment

    • DTM | Observing/Assisting: Assignment

    • TTP | Yoga Nidra - Video

    • Space Setting Assessment

    • TTP | Mantra

    • TTP | Chandra Namaskar: Assignment

  • 9

    Residential | 7 - 13 February 2022

    • TTP | Kriya - Handout